Linda Ulleseit
author : Linda UlleseitLinda Ulleseit was born and raised in Saratoga, California. She has been a bookstore assistant manager, a Human Resources Director, and elementary school teacher, and a mom. Linda enjoys cooking, leatherworking, reading, gardening, spending time with her family, and taking long walks with her dogs. She currently lives in San Jose with her husband. They have two adult sons and two yellow Labradors. \n\nAs a child, Linda always loved to write. She still has her first story, written in early elementary school on newsprint paper in pink crayon. It’s about a pig with a curly tail. Linda took her first creative writing course in seventh grade, accumulating a closet full of stories that she never showed anyone until 2007. At that time, she gave the first draft of a flying horse book to a teacher colleague to read. Linda’s gone on to complete an MFA in Creative Fiction Writing at Lindenwood University and to publish several books. For several years, she participated in NaNoWriMo with her students, challenging them, as a class, to match individual her word count for the month. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn’t. Linda’s favorite subject has always been writing, and someday she hopes to see books written by former students alongside hers on bestseller lists.\n \n View more >>Linda Ulleseit Book Series